2024 Summer Wine Walk

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All remaining tickets will be sold at the door until 6:00pm on June 14, 2024!
131 S. Main St., Suite 101, Fond du Lac, WI


During the Wine Walk, Fond du Lac’s downtown businesses become “tasting rooms” where attendees may sample different wines. Stroll from business to business exploring what downtown has to offer while you shop and sip from your souvenir glass.

Select your 12 wine samples (2 ounces) from the numerous options available at different businesses throughout Downtown Fond du Lac. You’re sure to find something you enjoy.

Choose your ticket based on your tasting preferences:

Sweet Wine Tickets – $30

If your tastes lean towards the sugary sweet side, like Gewürztraminer, Moscatos, and Rieslings, then this is the ticket for you. Your drink choices will keep your sweet tooth happy throughout the night!

Dry Wine Tickets – $30

If the thought of all that sugar makes you pucker up and long for a glass of dark, dry Chianti, Shiraz, Merlot, or Cabernet, then the dry ticket is the one you’ll want. You’ll explore wines that have high and low tannin counts and a range of dark and light coloring, but through it all the sugar content will stay low. P.S. Dry doesn’t mean only red wines.

Mocktail Tickets – $15

A night of fun doesn’t have to include alcohol! Try out various mocktails and non-alcoholic beverages.

The Details:
  • We ID EVERYONE. Attendees must be 21 years of age or older with a valid photo ID. We cannot distribute wristbands, lanyards, or glasses to anyone without an ID. Be flattered. You all look 21 years old to us!
  • Ticket holders must check-in individually to receive wristbands, lanyards and glasses. Check-in on behalf of other ticket holders is not permitted.
  • Event check in will open at 131 S. Main Street at 2:00pm the day of the event, and will remain open until 6:00pm. Wine samples will be available no earlier than 4:00pm and no later than 8:00pm.
  • Upon check-in, ticket holders will receive a souvenir wine glass, wristband, lanyard with punchcard, and a map of serving locations.
  • During the Wine Walk, upon receiving a wine sample, ticketholders should present their punchcard to the server to have them punched. All ticket holders may receive a maximum of 12, 2 oz. samples regardless of how many stops are on the map.
  • Wine glasses must be empty before leaving each business.
  • Check-in details will be sent prior to the event date, to the email provided at time of purchase.
Tips To Make The Most of The Summer Wine Walk
  • Avoid a long line by checking in as early as possible the day of the event.
  • Keep your glass in hand throughout the event. Consider bringing a sharpie or other items to label/decorate your glass to avoid confusion during the walk.
  • After checking in early, plan your route in advance of the start of the Wine Walk to avoid getting separated from your group.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. The Wine Walk will be held rain or shine and ticket holders will be walking outdoors between locations.
  • When making purchases during some of the great sales on the route, ask businesses about the option to pick up your purchase after completeing the Wine Walk.
  • Be sure to eat a good meal before the Wine Walk to avoid consuming alcohol on an empty stomach. There are many wonderful restaurants right downtown available for dining before and after the event.
  • BE SAFE – Cross the streets at crosswalks.
  • Manage your alcohol intake; we reserve the right to refuse to serve anyone who appears to be intoxicated.
  • Parking is free downtown after 5 p.m.
  • Post photos to Instagram and Facebook using #FDLSummerWineWalk2024 and/or #DowntownFDL

Disclaimer: Tickets are transferable, but not refundable. Transferring a ticket to another individual age 21 or over is the responsibility of the ticket holder. The Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership will not facilitate exchanges. In the event the Wine Walk is cancelled, tickets will be refunded. 

Please beware of scammers claiming to have resale tickets available or to be booking vendors!
We are not recruiting additional vendors, and while we do allow for the transfer of tickets, we strongly encourage anyone attempting to purchase third-party resale tickets to contact us first at info@downtownfdl.com or 920-322-2006 to confirm the tickets are legitimate before any exchange of funds.

For questions, contact Megan Sigrist at: Megan@downtownfdl.com 920.322.2006, ext. 2


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